Faneco products for correctional facilities.


Durable Sanitary Facilities

High traffic, careless use, and a high likelihood of vandalism - all of these factors make public restrooms particularly vulnerable to damage. This means that in such places, it is necessary to use equipment that is durable and strong enough to function for many years without the risk of serious malfunctions. These conditions are met by the elements of the Secure collection from Faneco.

Vandal-Proof Toilets

There are many places where hundreds, or even thousands, of people pass through every day. In most of these places, every step is closely monitored by cameras or staff. The only moments of complete privacy are those spent in the restroom stall.

If being in a certain place is associated with strong emotions, many people seek a way to release them - not necessarily healthy or even legal. In practice, this means that bathrooms are often equipped with objects on which anger or frustration is discharged. This has led to the need for creating vandal-proof public toilets, in which individual elements will be characterized by exceptional durability against damage.

Of course, vandal-proof toilets were not created solely for places where equipment is exposed to deliberate damage. Durable and free of sharp edges products also reduce the risk of serious accidents, if people with mobility problems use the bathroom. That is why individual elements of vandal-proof bathroom equipment from the Secure collection have been designed in such a way as to minimize the risk of slipping and falling.

Durable sanitary facilities. Where will they work?

The most durable public toilets from the Secure collection are primarily used in places with exceptionally high traffic. They are increasingly used in shopping centers, gas stations, and points along highways. At the same time, they remain the most popular solution in facilities traditionally associated with the need for a durable toilet: at a train station, in a pub, nightclub, and also in sports facilities (stadiums, Orliki, etc.).

Resistance to various factors (including chemicals) makes the elements of the collection also suitable for places where special emphasis is placed on maintaining a high level of hygiene. Hence the popularity of durable toilets in doctor's offices, hospitals, and clinics.

Durable toilets in public utility buildings are also an essential element of toilet equipment for people with disabilities. Appropriately designed shapes of individual products and non-slip surfaces make them easier to use, while also providing protection against accidents.

Many elements of the Secure collection were designed for use in places such as police stations, detention centers, or prisons. A durable toilet becomes here not only a matter of costs or aesthetics, but above all, basic safety.

Durable accessories for public bathrooms

The most durable accessories for public bathrooms are those made of stainless steel. This material is characterized by very high resistance to mechanical damage, such as cracks or scratches. In practice, it is almost impossible to destroy steel elements without additional tools.

A major advantage of durable bathroom accessories made of steel is the plasticity of this metal. In practice, this means that even under the influence of great force, it rarely cracks. The housing of dispensers or dispensers may only be deformed, which rarely has a negative impact on the operation of the device inside, such as motion sensors or nozzles through which soap or antibacterial agent flows.

Vandal-proof equipment for public toilets

Vandal-proof sanitary equipment is not only made of durable material, but also has well-thought-out design. The form of individual elements should be as simple as possible. A perfect example of this are toilets connected with sinks into one unit. They form a relatively large and heavy whole, which makes it impossible to remove or dismantle them without specialized tools. This not only protects the property and prevents incurring costs related to its repair or replacement, but above all ensures safety for users.

When creating vandal-proof equipment for public toilets, Faneco also used modern design solutions. The Secure collection includes, among others, sinks with covered or hidden siphons, or suspended toilets. This reduces the number of corners where small objects can be hidden, which is particularly important in the case of toilets in prisons and correctional facilities.

Safe and durable restrooms

Damage-resistant bathroom fixtures must be carefully considered in every detail. It is important to avoid using elements made of materials that can be easily damaged (plastic) or those that can be used in an improper way, posing a threat to people (glass).

That is why the Secure collection includes not only sinks and toilets, but also comprehensive damage-resistant bathroom equipment. We also offer stainless steel mirrors, dispensers, and fixtures, as well as custom-made elements. These include specially designed hangers that prevent hanging objects heavier than a few kilograms, as well as shower heads. At the same time, we have ensured that functionality does not mean sacrificing aesthetics. The vandal-proof Secure collection consists of products that allow for creating not only safe, but also well-presented interiors in any conditions.