Turkish toilet - everything you need to know.


Have you ever wondered about an alternative to a traditional suspended toilet? What are the benefits of a Turkish toilet? The Turkish toilet is a solution that has its roots in ancient times, and although it is not as popular as it used to be, it still has its supporters. Is it worth considering purchasing one? We will introduce you to its history, advantages, disadvantages, and all the issues related to installing a Turkish toilet, so that you can make the right decision.

What is a Turkish toilet?

Modern bathrooms are full of modern devices, and among them, sitting toilets dominate, which have become the norm for us. However, there is also another type of toilet that has been the basic choice in many cultures for centuries. We are talking about the Turkish toilet, which may seem somewhat exotic to many of us, but has many advantages and is an interesting sanitary solution. But what exactly is a Turkish bowl?

A Turkish toilet, also known as a Turkish bowl, is a type of toilet that does not have a traditional seat. Instead, it consists of a shallow depression in the floor with a drainage hole. The user of this toilet assumes a squatting position over the hole, rather than sitting, as is the case with standard Western toilets. The Turkish toilet is often equipped with two small foot platforms on either side of the hole, allowing the user to assume a stable and comfortable position while using it.

Although using a Turkish toilet may initially seem uncomfortable or unusual for many people, it is a method that has deep historical and cultural roots in many regions of the world. For many people, the Turkish toilet is the norm and the preferred way of relieving themselves.


History of the Turkish Toilet

Before deciding to introduce a Turkish toilet into your home, it is worth knowing its origins and cultural roots. This traditional toilet has a rich history that we would like to present to you.

Origin of the name and a brief history of the Turkish toilet

Although we call it a "Turkish toilet", its roots can be traced back to ancient East. In many Eastern cultures, traditional toilets took the form of "squatting" instead of "sitting". Toilets such as the Turkish bowl were common in ancient Persia, Egypt, and Greece. The name "Turkish" is associated with the introduction of this type of toilet to European countries by the Ottoman Empire.

Cultural influence and why Turkish toilets became popular in certain regions

The Turkish toilet has been a preferred solution in many cultures for centuries, mainly due to its simplicity and hygiene. It is perceived as more natural for the human body compared to sitting toilets, which appeared relatively recently in human history.

In Asian and Middle Eastern countries, squat toilets are still the norm. In Europe, although Turkish toilets were once common, they have largely been replaced by sitting toilets. However, there are still regions, especially in southern Europe, where Turkish toilets are often found, especially in public places.


What are the advantages of a Turkish toilet?

Our bodies are designed in a way that certain functions are performed in specific positions. One example of this is using the toilet. The squatting position we assume when using a Turkish toilet is considered more natural for the human body.

  • Healthier for the intestines: In the squatting position, the intestines can empty more effectively, which acts preventively against certain diseases of the large intestine, such as cancer, hemorrhoids, or colitis.
  • Support for pelvic muscles: It has been suggested that regular use of a Turkish toilet can strengthen pelvic muscles in women, reducing the risk of incontinence problems.
  • Benefits for joints: Regularly assuming and maintaining a squatting position can help maintain knee flexibility. Additionally, it can also strengthen the hips.
  • Improved breathing and concentration: Using a Turkish toilet in a natural way forces us to adopt the correct posture, which can promote better breathing and focus.
  • Economy: Turkish toilets are usually cheaper to produce and install than traditional flush toilets. This means potential savings for the consumer.
  • Durability and ease of maintenance: Turkish toilets are easier to clean and generally more resistant to vandalism. Their design makes them less susceptible to damage.
  • Minimalism and functionality: The aesthetics of a Turkish toilet are based on simplicity and functionality. This solution is not only practical, but can also add a modern and minimalist look to the bathroom.
  • Direct contact with skin: Using a Turkish toilet eliminates the need for skin contact with the seat, which can be more hygienic, especially in public places. Although studies have shown that sitting toilets do not pose a greater health risk than Turkish toilets, the Turkish bowl provides certainty of no direct contact with a surface that may have been contaminated by previous users.

In light of the above information, it is certainly worth considering choosing a Turkish toilet as an alternative to a traditional toilet bowl in both a home and public restroom.


Installation of a Turkish toilet

When considering installing a Turkish toilet in your home or workplace, there are several key steps and specific requirements to take into account. Below are important information about the installation process.

Key installation steps:

  • Choosing the right bowl: Turkish toilets are available in various materials such as cast iron, enameled steel, or stainless steel. All versions have a funnel-shaped drain.
  • Preparation of installation site: Due to the specific nature of the Turkish toilet, it should be fully supported during installation. Traditionally, the Turkish bowl was placed on cement mortar, but now there are styrofoam supports available that make the installation process easier.
  • Installation of the siphon: Since traditional Turkish toilets do not have a built-in siphon, it is necessary to install a separate siphon fitting to prevent unpleasant odors from escaping from the sewage system.
  • Preparation of the flushing system: Turkish toilets can be flushed using either a pressure or gravity flush. In the case of a gravity system, top flushes are used, which are placed about 2m above the bowl.
  • Water supply: The water supply to the toilet can be connected from the side or from the top, depending on the chosen model.
  • Waste disposal: Turkish toilets offer options for waste disposal downwards or to the side, depending on the choice of siphon.

Specific installation requirements:

  • High quality installation to ensure that the toilet is stable and will not move during use.
  • Use of appropriate siphons that are compatible with the chosen toilet model.
  • Placement of the flush valve at the appropriate height (around 100 cm from the floor) to allow for easy flushing.

Is the installation of a Turkish toilet more complicated than a traditional one?

The installation of a Turkish toilet may initially be more complex than a traditional toilet, due to the need for additional elements such as styrofoam supports or separate siphons. However, with the availability of modern tools and installation materials, this process has become easier and more efficient. It is important to strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions and, if necessary, seek the help of professionals in case of doubts.



Turkish toilets, although slightly different from what most of us know from Western countries, have a long tradition and are widely used in many regions of the world. Choosing such a toilet is not only a practical decision, but also often an aesthetic or cultural one. Despite some challenges related to installation, a properly installed Turkish toilet can serve for many years, offering a high level of hygiene and convenience.

If you are considering installing such a solution, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the installation requirements and possibly seeking advice from specialists. Regardless of whether you choose a traditional toilet or a Turkish bowl, the most important thing is its proper installation and regular cleaning and maintenance.