Wall litter bins

Wall litter bins

Wall-mounted bins are products designed with public toilets in mind. They are elegant and aesthetic devices that perfectly complement the interior. These bins are attached to the wall, and their covers are lifted. In public toilets, bins may be subject to vandalism or damage. As the bin is mounted on the wall, you can be sure that the bin will serve you for a long time and will not be destroyed or stolen.

When choosing a wall-mounted bin for a public toilet, consider purchasing a slightly larger bin. Also, pay attention to the material from which the bin is made. Waste containers made of durable plastic and stainless steel models are very popular. Wall-mounted bins have another significant advantage. They make floor cleaning much easier. Devices mounted on the walls greatly facilitate daily floor cleaning. Thanks to the bins being mounted on the wall, the entire floor surface is left free and unoccupied. Therefore, the public toilet appears clean and tidy.

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