Stenders for industrial rolls

Stenders for industrial rolls

Industrial cleaning cloth is an essential part of the equipment for restaurants, industry, and sanitary facilities. If you want to use the cleaning cloth freely, a stand for the cleaning cloth will be necessary. This device will allow you to maintain hygienic conditions at the workplace. Such a stand protects the roll from dirt and from contact with contaminated surfaces. The stand for the cleaning cloth greatly facilitates the use of this material. A stand or hanger for the cleaning cloth means that, if necessary, you can immediately reach for the cleaning cloth and conveniently unroll it, and then tear off the piece of material you need. FANECO offers various types of holders for industrial cleaning cloths. They mainly differ in the method of installation. You can mount it to the wall or place it on the countertop as a mobile stand for cleaning cloth. When choosing a holder for cleaning cloths, consider the size of the available space and the nature of the work performed. Define exactly what you will be using the cleaning cloth for, then you will select the perfect stand.

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